Journal Papers
1. Muchandiona, C., Kakava, N.Z., & Makanyeza, C. (2021). The effect of consumer ethnocentrism on the acceptance of imported grocery products in Harare, Zimbabwe. Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom.
2. Makanyeza, C., Gomwe, A.G., & Jaiyeoba, O. (2021). Moderators of the effect of viewer satisfaction on loyalty towards television channels in Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal of African Business. Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom.
3. Chikazhe, L., Makanyeza, C. & Chigunhah, B. (2021). Understanding mediators and moderators of the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty. Cogent Business & Management, 8(1), 1922127 Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom.
4. Makanyeza, C., Svotwa, T.D. & Jaiyeoba, O. (2021). The effect of consumer rights awareness on attitude and purchase intention in the hotel industry: Moderating role of demographic characteristics. Cogent Business & Management, 8(1), 1898301. Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom.
5. Chikerema, L., & Makanyeza C. (2021). Enhancing the performance of micro-enterprises through market orientation: Evidence from Harare, Zimbabwe. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 40, 6 – 19. Wiley: United States of America.
6. Jaiyeoba, O., Svotwa, T.D. & Makanyeza, C. (2020). Black Friday shopping behaviour among Generation Y consumers in Botswana: An application of the Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory. African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 15(4), 45 – 69. Adonis-Abbey Publishers Ltd.: United Kingdom.
7. Chikazhe, L., Makanyeza, C. & Kakava, N.Z. (2020). The effect of perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty on perceived job performance: Perceptions of university graduates. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom.
8. Mabenge, B.K., Ngorora-Madzimure, G.P.K. & Makanyeza, C. (2020). Dimensions of innovation and their effects on the performance of small and medium enterprises: The moderating role of firm’s age and size. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom. DOI:
9. Makanyeza, C. (2018). Factors influencing acceptance of an online evaluation system by students at Chinhoyi University of Technology. Annals of Social and Behavioural Sciences Journal, 3(1), 4 – 19. Chinhoyi University of Technology: Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
10. Jaiyeoba, O.O., Chimbise, T.T, Makanyeza, C. & Iwu, C.G. (2018). Distribution efficiency of e-services in the health insurance sector: The case of Botswana. Journal of Distribution Science, 16(5), 5 – 15. Korea Open Access Journals: Korea
11. Makanyeza, C. & Mutambayashata, S. (2018). Consumers’ acceptance and use of plastic money in Harare, Zimbabwe: Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(2), 379 – 392. Emerald Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
12. Makanyeza, C., Chitambara, L.T. & Kakava, N.Z. (2018). Does corporate social responsibility influence firm performance? Empirical evidence from Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal of African Business, 19(2), 155 – 173. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom.
13. Makanyeza, C. (2017). Determinants of consumers’ intention to adopt mobile banking in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(6), 997 – 1017. Emerald Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
14. Makanyeza, C. & Du Toit, F. (2017). Consumer ethnocentrism in developing countries: Application of a model in Zimbabwe. Acta Commercii, 17(1), a481. AOSIS Publishing: South Africa.
15. Makanyeza, C. & Chikazhe, L. (2017). Mediators of the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty: Evidence from the banking sector in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(3), 540 – 556. Emerald Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
16. Makanyeza, C. & Ndlovu, A. (2016). ICT usage and its effect on export performance: Empirical evidence from small and medium enterprises in the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe. Botswana Journal of Business, 9(1), 21 – 36. University of Botswana: Botswana.
17. Makanyeza, C. & Du Toit, F. (2016). Factors influencing consumer choice of imported poultry meat products in a developing market: Lessons from Zimbabwe. Agrekon, 55(3), 191 – 215. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom.
18. Makanyeza, C. & Mumiriki, D. (2016). Are all customers really the same? Comparing service quality and satisfaction between residential and business telecommunications customers. Acta Commercii, 16(1), a346. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/ac.v16i1.348. AOSIS Publishing: South Africa.
19. Makanyeza, C & Du Toit, F. (2016). Measuring consumer ethnocentrism in a developing market: An assessment of reliability, validity and dimensionality of the original CETSCALE. Journal of African Business. 17(2), 188-208. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1080/15228916.2016.1138270
20. Makanyeza, C., Macheyo, R. & Du Toit, F. (2016). Perceived product necessity, perceived value, customer satisfaction and affective attitude: An integrative model. Journal of African Business. 17(1), 69 – 86. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom.
21. Moyo, N.N.V.S. & Makanyeza, C. (2015). Determinants of the adoption of social media advertising. Annals of Social and Behavioural Sciences Journal, 1(1), 130 – 155. Chinhoyi University of Technology: Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
22. Makanyeza, C. & Dzvuke, G. (2015). The influence of innovation on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Zimbabwe. Journal of African Business. 16(1-2), 198 – 214. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom.
23. Makanyeza, C. & Du Toit, F. (2015). Examining the measurement and dimensionality of the construct of consumer awareness in a developing and transition economy. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology / SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 41(1), Art. #1250, 9 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/sajip.v41i1.1250. AOSIS Publishing: South Africa.
24. Makanyeza, C. (2015). Consumer awareness, ethnocentrism and loyalty: An integrative model. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 27(2), 167 – 183. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: United Kingdom.
25. Makanyeza, C. (2015). An assessment of reliability and validity of the attitudinal and behavioral typology of customer loyalty in a developing country: Evidence from Zimbabwe. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 310-318. MCSER Publishing: Rome-Italy.
26. Makanyeza, C. (2014). Measuring consumer attitude towards imported poultry meat products in a developing market: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(20), 874-881. MCSER Publishing: Rome-Italy.
27. Makanyeza, C., Kwandayi, H.P. & Ikobe, B. (2013). Strategies to improve service delivery in local authorities. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 15(1), 1-11. ARF Sourcing: Islamabad Pakistan.
28. Makanyeza, C., Kwandayi, H.P. & Mutesa, B. (2013). Evaluating market orientation of Master’s in Public Sector Management program. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 14(1), 1-18. ARF Sourcing: Islamabad Pakistan.
Conference Papers
1. Makanyeza, C., Mwedzi, T., & Mashiri, E. (2021). Factors influencing merchants’ adoption of plastic money: Evidence from Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at International Conference of Accounting and Business 2021 [Virtual] in Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 June 2021. University of Johannesburg.
2. Dzingirai, C., Mashiri, E., Makanyeza, C. (2021). Drivers of platform level interoperability: Evidence from Zimbabwean mobile money operators. Paper presented at International Conference of Accounting and Business 2021 [Virtual] in Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 June 2029. University of Johannesburg.
3. Mabenge, B.K., Ngorora-Madzimure, G.P.K. & Makanyeza, C. (2018). The effect of innovation on the performance of manufacturing small and medium enterprises in Harare, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies (ICPSIS), in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 18 October 2018. Universiti Utara of Malaysia, in collaboration with Zimbabwe National Defence University.
4. Makanyeza, C. & Chamboko, L.T.A. (2018). Consumer ethnocentrism on attitude and willingness to buy Chinese clothing products: The role of consumer characteristics in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies (ICPSIS), in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 18 October 2018. Universiti Utara of Malaysia, in collaboration with Zimbabwe National Defence University.
5. Makanyeza, C. & Ndlovu, A.A. (2018). Consumer attitude and purchase intention toward genetically modified food in Harare, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies (ICPSIS), in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 18 October 2018. Universiti Utara of Malaysia, in collaboration with Zimbabwe National Defence University.
6. Muchandiona, C., Kakava, N.Z. & Makanyeza, C. (2018). Consumer ethnocentrism and the acceptance of imported and domestic grocery products in Harare, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies (ICPSIS), in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 18 October 2018. Universiti Utara of Malaysia, in collaboration with Zimbabwe National Defence University.
7. Makanyeza, C. (2016). Factors influencing the adoption of mobile banking in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the Botho University International Research Conference, in Gaborone, Botswana, 16 November 2016. Botho University: Botswana.
8. Mapiye, L. & Makanyeza, C. (2016). Does customer service enhance firm performance? Evidence from small and medium enterprises in the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the Business Management Conference, in Durban, South Africa, 26 August 2016. University of KwaZulu-Natal: South Africa.
9. Makanyeza, C. (2016). Customer service as a national strategy for business growth and economic development. Paper presented at The Customer Service Symposium, in Harare, Zimbabwe, 7 July 2016. The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management: Zimbabwe.
10. Makuwaza, P. & Makanyeza, C. (2015). The adoption of electronic banking technology: Challenges and opportunities in Zimbabwe’s banking sector. Paper presented at the International Research Conference on Research, Technology and Innovation for Development in Africa, in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, 20 July 2015. Chinhoyi University of Technology: Zimbabwe.
11. Makanyeza, C. & Chikazhe, L. (2015). Relationships among perceived service quality, corporate image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Zimbabwe’s banking sector. Paper presented at the International Research Conference on Research, Technology and Innovation for Development in Africa, in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, 21 July 2015. Chinhoyi University of Technology: Zimbabwe.
12. Karombe, L. & Makanyeza, C. (2015). The effect of product diversification on the export performance of small and medium enterprises in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the International Research Conference on Research, Technology and Innovation for Development in Africa, in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, 21 July 2015. Chinhoyi University of Technology: Zimbabwe.
13. Moyo, N.N.V.S. & Makanyeza, C. (2015). Factors influencing the adoption of social media advertising by firms in Zimbabwe’s FMCG sector. Paper presented at the International Research Conference on Research, Technology and Innovation for Development in Africa, in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, 21 July 2015. Chinhoyi University of Technology: Zimbabwe.
14. Makanyeza, C. & Ndlovu, A. (2015). The impact of information and communication technology on the export performance of small to medium enterprises in the manufacturing sector of Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the 3rd Biennial Conference on Transforming and Growing Economies through Sustainable Business Innovation, in Maun, Botswana, 8 July 2015. Faculty of Business at the University of Botswana: Gaborone, Botswana.